Processing appeals beholder 2
Processing appeals beholder 2

Who can help me?Ħ) Hello! Yesterday I went to the hospital to get my disability certificate extended. I won’t stand for it! The place is a disgrace – there’s only so much falling plaster a person can take!ĥ) I haven’t been able to collect my pension in two months – all just because someone with the same name died. I think it’s because of his dietary requirements – he’s lactose intolerant.ģ) Someone painted the benches in the park, but didn’t bother to hang up any signs about it.Ĥ) Rent is costing more and more, but my apartment building isn’t getting any better. 3 serves patients soup made with rotten onions! You have to stop this disgraceful practice!Ģ) My son’s classmates are always making fun of him. The management of our maternity hospital won’t let nurses go to the Solidarity and Loyalty rallies, just ‘cause it means leaving patients in labor unattended.ġ) Hospital No.

processing appeals beholder 2

And guess what? It was in tatters within a week!ġ4) Hi. I spent three years knitting a portrait of our Leader to decorate our entrance hall. , paragraph 3 of the latest volume mentions Simeon Koldyrin, who was exposed as a traitor last week!ġ1) There’s a billboard on the main avenue with a quote from the Leader: “Glory to all that benefits us – whatever it may be!”.ġ2) I want to complain about the mobile propaganda units near my apartment building.ġ3) Hello.

#Processing appeals beholder 2 series#

How can I explain it to my kids?ġ0) I have a subscription to a series of books chronicling the Leader’s speeches. Everyone got a badge with a picture of the Leader – everyone except me. The shoes I bought have a quality stamp on the soles featuring the state coat of arms.ĩ) Yesterday at work we had a rally in support of Directive No. As usual, one of the coffins was draped in the flag of our great Motherland.Ħ) Stop printing the portrait of our Great Leader in the weekly newspaper.ħ) Whoever authorized the production of “Leader” branded condoms must be punished! He is the rock-hard shaft around which our society is built, and he deserves the proper respect!Ĩ) I used my shoe voucher at Store No. It covered up everyone’s windows.ĥ) A few days ago, another group of dead soldiers was buried in the city cemetery. The actors couldn’t finish their performance.Ĥ) A huge propaganda poster was put on our building as part of the preparations for a military parade.

processing appeals beholder 2 processing appeals beholder 2

I let her out yesterday, and someone tied a can to her tail!ġ) Those mobile propaganda units in the streets make far too much noise! We’ve had far too many cases of shattered windows!Ģ) What are the youth of today supposed to think? Who among them would want to serve in an army where they can’t even spell the word “execution” properly?ģ) The electricity went out during the most recent performance of “Real Patriots Eat Turnips” at the Red Torch Theater. How come they won’t let girls join the volunteer militias?ġ5) Hi there! I have a little kitty, Agatha. It includes all of their absences and the exact time spent taking smoke breaks.ġ3) I’m pretty sure someone’s been following me! I don’t even feel safe at home! Recently, I came home from work and someone had gone through my all stuff!ġ4) Hello, I have a complaint about the management of our factory. ġ2) I’ve brought an in-depth log detailing my daily observations of my colleagues. 8790 of the Ministry of Order!ġ1) A respectful hello to you! I would like to report that the management of our plant is criminally delaying the introduction of X-ray equipment to the entrance checkpoint in accordance with Ministry of Order Directive No. I recently discovered that carpenters’ reports about coffins for the Front were not marked as “confidential” – thus violating Directive No. I should point out that I am the junior secretary to the head of the third department of the Bureau of Statistics!ĩ) Hello! I would like to report that unknown criminals opened three sealed-off apartments in our building and took everything of value.ġ0) Greetings! I’m an archivist in the military archive. They’re driving around the city broadcasting some nonsense about freedom and democracy.Ĩ) Someone is always unscrewing the light bulbs at the entrance to our building. Some miscreants hijacked my mobile propaganda unit. 8750 at the city cemetery.ħ) I would like to report a crime. Yesterday there was a military training exercise going on nearby, and a shell accidentally landed… in the wrong place.Ħ) Hello! I would like to report a repeated violation of Directive No. 1) Someone at 8 Krushvice Street is always breaking one of the lamps! On behalf of all the tenants, we ask you to resolve this problem!Ģ) Unknown persons have desecrated my shed!ģ) Someone has graffitied the walls of our building! The culprits must be lined up against the same walls and shot!Ĥ) Worse! They drew the sun and some ducks! Rubber ducks! I blame the parents! You have to do something about this flagrant misbehavior.ĥ) I’m the building manager… er… former building manager of No.

Processing appeals beholder 2